Παρασκευή 14 Μαρτίου 2014

70 Completely random facts

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These are 70 completely random facts:

1.     Casanova was a librarian.
2.     Bob Marley was the father of 3 children born to 3 different women in one month.
3.     In 2014, a prisoner escaped a detention center in Arizona to spend Valentine's Day with his girlfriend.
4.     In the US today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.
5.     A single human male produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet.
6.     One jar of Nutella is sold every 2.5 seconds throughout the world
7.     Dragonflies have six legs but can't walk.
8.     Fish can drown in water.
9.     Penguins have an organ near the eye that filters salt from the water out of their system.
10.    A black hole emits a deep B flat sound.
11.    Philematology is the science of kissing.
12.    The Ancient Greeks exercised naked.
13.   One of the smallest dinosaurs discovered had the size of a chicken and ate insects.
14.    The longest kiss ever recorded lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.
15.    In Milan it is a legal requirement to smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits.
16.   La Tomatina is an annual festival held in Spain where people throw thousands of tomatoes at each other.
17.   South Africa is called the "Rainbow Nation" because it has 11 official languages.
18.   Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler, all suffered from ailurophobia, the fear of cats.
19.    Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the scientific term for brain freeze.
20.   Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school.
21.   Valentine's Day is also National Condom Day in the U.S.
22.   Refined sugar is more addictive than cocaine.
23.   The Netherlands closed eight prisons in 2013 due to lack of criminals.
24.   Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA, according to a new research.
The child on this photo survived.The photographer committed suicide after winning the Pulitzer Prize for it.
26.   People are 1% taller in the morning than they are in the evening.
27.   Spending money on others yields more happiness than spending it on yourself.
28.    The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
29.   Eskimos use refrigerators to stop their food from freezing.
30.   Powerful acids in snakes' stomachs mean they will explode if given Alka-Seltzer.
31.   Starbucks Offers 87,000 different drink combinations.
32.   There's an episode of "Tom and Jerry" that ends with the both of them committing suicide.
33.   Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stones.
34.   Snoop Dogg sold weed to Cameron Diaz in high school.
35.   In 2010, a Canadian man rescued a newborn baby from a dumpster, only to find out he was the father.
36.   Seven Viagra tablets are sold every second.
37.   About half a million mice live in the London Underground.
38.   Only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful.
39.   The word "school" comes from the ancient Greek for "free time."
40.   Every human being starts out as an asshole: it's the first part of the body to form in the womb.
41.   TV show "16 and pregnant" and spin-offs may have prevented about 20,000 teen pregnancies in 2010, a study says.
42.   Established writers and artists are 18 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population.
43.   The highest scoring word in Scrabble is oxyphenbutazone, worth 1,178 points.
44.   In ancient Greek the word "idiot" meant anyone who wasn't a politician.
45.   Potatoes were illegal in France between 1748 and 1772.
46.   Caffeine is made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. The same as cocaine, thalidomide, nylon, TNT, and heroin
47.   Most people who commit suicide, do it on a Monday.
48.   There's a Barbie-like islamic doll called "Fulla".
49.   Bruce Lee was so fast, they actually had to run his films slower so you can see his moves.
50.   Horses cannot throw up.
51.   8 % of your body weight is in your blood.
52.   The weeks before Christmas are the most popular for couples to break up, according to data analyzed from Facebook.
53.   70% of Iran's science and engineering students are women.
54.   Dogs have 13 blood types, horses have 8, cows have 9, while Humans only have 4.
55.   The official animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.
56.   A man in Nebraska is breeding red cows and sending them to Israel so that Jews build a Third Temple and Jesus comes again.
57.   In 2009, Nigerian Police arrested a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.
58.   In Jamaica, sex between men is punishable with up to 10 years' imprisonment. But lesbian action is allowed.
59.   If you announce your goals to others, you are less likely to make them happen because you lose motivation, studies confirmed.
60.   Giving birth can cause an orgasm: the release of hormones during delivery can push some women to ecstasy.
61.   There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognised by psychologists.
62.   Your favorite song is probably your favorite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.
63.   Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia.
64.   1 in 5 people in France have experienced depression making it the most depressed country in the world.
65.   The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.
66.   Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance.
67.   None of The Beatles Could Read Music.
68.    80 % of all marriages in history were between second cousins or closer.
69.   There are species of ants that enslave other ants.
70.   Relative to size, the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

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