Τετάρτη 6 Μαΐου 2015

70 completely random facts #4

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Previous article: May day.
Next article: Shopping haul: clothing.

  1. The original 2014 World Cup's ball was produced in Pakistan.
  2. The Jerusalem syndrome is a group of mental phenomena triggered by a visit to Jerusalem.
  3. Baby Chicks are smarter than Baby Humans.
  4. An adult duck is called Drake. (Lol)
  5. Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans.
  6. The CD was designed so it could hold Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
  7. Beavers have orange teeth. 
  8. In 1958, a rhinoceros was a candidate in the city council elections in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  9. Oreos are more addictive than Cocaine and Heroin.
  10. For every mile walked drunk, turns out to be eight times more dangerous than the mile driven drunk.
  11. In Tokyo, there's a travel agency that takes your stuffed animals on vacation.
  12. The red color opens up appetite.
  13. Every year in the Christmas Island, roads are forced to be closed because of a massive migration of red crabs
  14. New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US.
  15. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white.
  16. The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950's (I can definitely see why that’s true).
  17. A Bonsai Tree planted in 1626 survived the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and now resides in a U.S. Museum.
  18. If there are two full moons in the same month, the second one is called blue moon. (I guess that why we say that something happens in a blue moon, which means that it happens very rarely).
  19. Koalas hug trees to cool off on hot days.
  20. In Baltimore USA it is illegal to wash or scrub a sink regardless of how dirty it is.
  21. In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals.
  22. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats.
  23. There are about a million ants per person. Ants are very social animals and will live in colonies that can contain almost 500,000 ants.
  24. More than $2 billion of candy is sold for Halloween, more than any other holiday.
  25. On average, soccer players run as far as 9.5 miles in a single match.
  26. Small Animals Sense Time Slower Than Humans.
  27. We can only remember 4 things at a time.
  28. Charles Darwin Ate Every Animal He Discovered.
  29. 1 billion people speak English. That's 1 in every 7 on earth.
  30. A third of all divorce filings of 2011 in the U.S. contained the word "Facebook."
  31. The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation. 
  32. A strawberry isn't an actual berry, but a banana is.
  33. Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
  34. France is the most visited country in the world: 83 million tourists in 2012.
  35. A beautiful face attracts more partners than a beautiful body, according to a scientific survey.
  36. Couples who are in love synchronize their heart rates after gazing into each others' eyes for three minutes.
  37. Cuddling triggers the same neurological reaction as taking painkillers (Everybody, cuddle).
  38. The Strangers in Your Dreams are Actually People That You’ve Seen in Real Life!
  39. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
  40. Despite the common myth that large brains equal more smarts, people like Einstein actually had a smaller brain.
  41. The mouth of a wild Komodo dragon is so filthy that many times it will bite its prey and then follow it around until it dies from the resulting infection. In fact, scientists aren’t entirely sure how wild dragons survive with so much bacteria on their tongues.
  42. If certain animals like cows don’t get enough minerals from the grass…they’ll get them from somewhere else, many times from small prey like birds. (Carnivorous herbivores).
  43. Chewing gum doesn't take 7 years to digest. It actually can't be digested at all and will pass right through you as is (Oh no!).
  44. Chameleons don't change their color to blend in to their surroundings. They change their color to communicate.
  45. Your tongue does not have different regions dedicated to different tastes. Every taste can be sensed on every part of the tongue.
  46. Cracking your knuckles WON’T lead to arthritis.
  47. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
  48. Ten percent of all the photos ever taken were taken in the 2014. (So many selfies :p)
  49. Armadillos almost always give birth to quadruplets
  50. Scotland's national animal is the unicorn.
  51. Megalania is currently the largest known terrestrial lizard to have ever existed. It was believed to have had toxin-secreting glands located in its mouth, causing it to be slightly venomous.
  52. There is an amphibious bicycle that can be used on both land and water
  53. Between 1966 and 1974 the Zodiac serial killer sent more than 20 encrypted messages to police. Most have been cracked but a few remain unsolved.  
  54. Retired Husband Syndrome is a condition where a woman begins to exhibit signs of physical illness and depression as her husband reaches, or approaches, retirement.
  55. Jargon Aphasia is a speech disorder where a person uses made up words in regular sentences. It can progress to the point where they are speaking in an entirely fictional language.
  56. Trimethylaminuria is A metabolic disorder that makes you smell like day old fish. It has no known cure or treatment.
  57. A mantis shrimp can swing its claw so fast it boils the water around it and creates a flash of light.
  58. Elvis was a natural blond.
  59. Alpacas can die of loneliness. When bought they alway need to be bought in pairs.
  60. If you do not have a child, you will be the first in your direct lineage, all the way back to beginnings of human history, to do so.
  61. There is a Portable Chin Rest.
  62. And….Butter stick!
  63. The voice of Lilo, from Lilo and Stitch, is Daveigh Chase - the same girl who haunts our dreams as Samara Morgan in The Ring (I bet that’s socking).
  64. Ariana Grande is only 1,53 m in height.
  65. Rastafarians are legally allowed to possess marijuana in Italy due to it being a 'sacrament' to the religion.
  66. New York's area code is 212 because it was the fastest number to dial on a rotary phone.
  67. Mount Everest shrank one inch (2.5 cm) due to the 2015 earthquake in Nepal
  68. At rest, your brain uses one fifth of a calorie per minute.
  69. A newly-discovered species of rust-eating bacteria will have consumed the wreck of the Titanic within 20 years.
  70. You can't name your child "Ikea" or "Elvis" in Sweden.

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